There is no doubt that the weather can have a major impact on our lives. The weather affects everything from what we wear to when we travel or how we run our businesses.
Nowadays, people are willing to bet on everything, so why not the weather as well?
That’s why in this blog post, we will explore what weather betting is, how it works, and whether or not you can win by predicting the weather!
What is Weather Betting?
Weather betting is a way to gamble on the weather forecast. For example, you can bet if the weather will be at a specific temperature, whether it will rain, or a variety of other exciting things.
Typical Weather Betting Markets
There are a few different markets that one can bet on when it comes to weather betting. These markets can be broken down into two categories: long-term and short-term. The long-term markets are those in which you are betting on what the weather will be like at a specific time in the future. The short-term weather betting markets are those in which you are betting on what the weather is going to be like in the next 24, 12, or 6 hours. These markets can be broken down even further into sub-categories.
So let’s check which are the most common markets for betting on the weather forecast:
Average Rainfall
One way to bet on average rainfall is by looking at the average amount of rainfall that is expected for a particular location over a given period. You can then place a bet on whether or not the actual amount of rainfall will be higher or lower than the average.
Daily Temperature – UK’s Highest Temp
In this market, you are betting on which day will have the highest temperature. For the record, the UK’s hottest ever day occurred on July 25th, 2019, when temperatures hit a scorching 39 degrees Celsius.
White Christmas Day
We all want a white Christmas, so why not wager on one? If you decide to bet whether there will be a white Christmas day, you are betting on whether or not there will be snow on December 25th.
River Thames to Freeze Over
Best weather betting sites are well known to offer odds of around 100/1 for the biggest river in London to freeze over between its most famous section, which is Westminster Bridge and Tower Bridge. According to historians, the last time the Thames was frozen entirely over was in 1963.
Big Ben to Freeze Solid
If you’re feeling lucky, you could also bet on whether or not Big Ben will freeze solid. This is a more unlikely event, but the odds are still pretty good if you’re feeling brave.
Weather Betting Tips
When betting on the weather, it’s important to remember a few key things:
1. Make sure you research the average rainfall and temperature for the location you are betting on. This will give you a good idea of what to expect.
2. Pay attention to the current weather conditions. If it’s unusually hot or cold for the time of year, this could have an impact on the outcome of your bet.
3. Be aware of any potential weather patterns. If there is a chance of thunderstorms or snow, this could affect the outcome of your bet.
4. Use a reputable weather betting site. This will ensure that you are getting accurate information.
5. Have fun! Weather betting can be a lot of fun, but remember to always bet responsibly.
Why Bet on the Weather Forecast?
Weather betting is a fun and exciting way to add a little excitement to your life while also making some money. However, it is important to remember that weather betting is still gambling and should not be taken too seriously.
Is betting on the weather legal?
Yes, weather betting is legal in most countries. However, it is important to check the laws in your specific jurisdiction before betting on the weather.
Where can I find weather betting markets?
Usually, betting sites offer other weather betting odds under the novelty betting tab or in their special tabs.
Can I bet on certain weather types at sports events?
Yes, there is usually a market for the weather for events like the World Cup final or the final of any of the highest-paid tennis tournaments.
What if I want to place a weather bet but can’t find it listed?
If you want to do some weather betting and can’t find the given markets or there are no markets on that particular site, you can always request a bet.