Football Field Dimensions: Everything You Need to Know

Football Field Dimensions: Everything You Need to Know

Have you ever wondered how big the football fields are where the fans have witnessed the best football matches?

Or what are the football field dimensions and layout where the biggest football stars were made?

Take a seat and enjoy the tour of the professional field of play that we have prepared for you.

What Is The Standard Football Field Size?

The football field size may vary, and it usually depends on the match organiser’s regulations. Additionally, the sports fields are divided according to the experience and age of the players in youth and professional fields. 

For example, FIFA’s official football field size imposes a minimum length of 90 metres and a maximum of 120 metres (100 – 130 yards) for national matches. As for the goal line, or how wide the soccer field should be, the minimum requirements are 45 metres with a maximum of 90 metres (50-100 yards). 

FIFA has football field measurements that are more strict for international matches. The length of the pitch should be from 100 to 110 metres (110-120 yards), and the width is required to range from 64 to 75 metres (70-80 yards).

According to the International Football Association Board‘s rules, the size of the football field for both national and international matches must meet the same standards as FIFA.

The UEFA competitions must be played on a soccer field size from 100 to 105 metres long and from 64 to 68 metres wide. Other field regulations from the UEFA are that the grass shouldn’t be higher than 30mm, and the watering of the field must be finished 1 hour before the kick-off.

Another example comes from the Football Association, which acquires different sizes for mini, 9v9, youth academies fields and Adult football pitches:

  • Mini football U7/U8 – 40×30 yards
  • Mini football U9/U10 – 60×40 yards
  • Youth U11/U12 – 80×50 yards
  • Youth U13/U14 – 90×55 yards
  • Youth U15/U16 – 100×60 yards
  • Youth U17/U18 and over 18 – 110×70 yards

What Are The Markings On A Football Field?

As we all know, the football pitch is marked with continuous white lines, all of which have unique names. The football field is a rectangle where the longer lines are called touchlines, and the two shorter lines of the soccer field are called goal lines

All of the marking lines are carefully measured and must have the same width that cannot exceed 12 cm (4.7 inches). This also applies to the goal lines, which must be the same width as the goalposts and crossbar.

The football field is divided into two equal halves by a halfway line parallel to the goal line formed by connecting the centre points of the two touchlines. There is a centre mark in the middle of the halfway line, which is the centre of the circle with a radius of 9.15 metres (10 yards).

A penalty mark is placed 11m (12yds) from the midpoint between the goalposts within each penalty area. Outside the penalty area, an arc of a circle with a radius of 9.15m (10yds) is drawn from the centre of each penalty mark.

Two lines are drawn at right angles to the goal line, 5.5 m (6 yds) from the inside of each goalpost to define the goal area. These lines extend 5.5 m (6 yds) into the field of play and are joined by a line drawn parallel to the goal line.

There are also corner flag post acres markings placed at least 1 metre into the field of play. They represent the location of the ball when players perform corner kicks.

The marking lines on the football pitch are always manually painted in white and often require two layers and repainting on match days.

The Layout of the Football Field

The soccer field layout includes:

  • Two Goal areas before the Goal lines
  • Two Goals inside the Goal areas and right before the Goal lines
  • Two Penalty areas with Penalty arcs before the Goal areas
  • Two Penalty marks inside the Penalty areas
  • One Halfway line in the centre of the field, ending on the Touch lines
  • One Centre circle over the centre of the Halfway line
  • One Centre mark inside the Centre circle and in the middle of the Halfway line
  • Four corner arcs 
  • Six Flagposts with a minimum height of 1.5 metres, a non-pointed top, and a flag
Image source FIFA Laws of the Game


Football field dimensions are essential to know if you’re a fan of the sport or just looking to understand the game better. 

Knowing the football field size will help you understand why the best football players make confident decisions on the field and how they can impact the outcome of a match.

So what are you waiting for? Find the nearest soccer pitch and play a game or two.


How Big is the Goal Area?

According to FIFA rules, the adult football fields measurements of the distance between each goalpost and the lines parallel to the touchline should be 5.5 metres or 6 yards. The distance between the lines is 18.32 metres or 20 yards when the size of a standard goal is added.

How Big is the Penalty Area?

The penalty area is marked with two lines drawn from the sides of both goalposts. The lines extend 16.5 metres (18 yards) into the field and connect with a 40.32 metres (44 yards) line parallel to the goal line.

The penalty mark is 11 metres from the centre of the two goalposts, and an arc of a circle is marked outside the penalty area, with the centre at the penalty mark. The radius of the arc is 9.15 metres (10 yards).

Are All Football Fields The Same Size?

No, not all football fields are the same. The rules of the football organisations and leagues allow for different football field dimensions. Usually, they only regulate how long and wide the professional field should be and the field markings.

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